From Joseph: One of my employees is addicted to coffee. I’ve seen her drink 6 or more cups of coffee in one day. So I did the best thing I could for her - I bought her a Keurig. Taking care of your employees is...

Business communication is more complicated than ever and more important than ever. Why? Because your clients expect instant answers across the board all the time! Keeping all your business communication straight it critical. Today Joseph and John talk all about business communication, some good dos...

One of the greatest debates of all - Windows vs. Mac. PC vs. Apple. For a lot of people, this isn’t just about hardware; it’s about your identity! We will be talking over the debate and how each side has some compelling arguments and what...

Joseph and John drill down on business owners and stress. Worry, and stress and anxiety, oh my! Actively engaging in worry not only keeps you from being productive during your workday, but it also takes years off your life. So what do you do when...

Insurance has become a necessity in our world today. Home, auto and if you own a business you need that assurance that you are covered should something happen. We have some expert advice coming in if you have questions about what insurance you need as...